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[vc_row][vc_column offset= »vc_col-lg-9 vc_col-md-9″][vc_tta_accordion style= »flat » shape= »square » color= »blue » c_position= »right » active_section= »1″ no_fill= »true »][vc_tta_section title= »Where can I find new patient forms? » tab_id= »1441693041782-ffce51b8-b370″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »First Things First » tab_id= »1441693329202-fa853d76-f1a0″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Sitting down and seeing the big picture » tab_id= »1441693340077-5efcc767-f263″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »X-rays » tab_id= »1441693350195-d7ab9701-63c3″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Finding the right dental treatment plan for you » tab_id= »1441693392479-0dbb1317-81a9″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Consultation with office manager » tab_id= »1441693394302-164a032d-b178″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Your mouth has questions. Our mouths have answers. » tab_id= »1441693411026-d6cd60b9-6096″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Dental treatment plan for you » tab_id= »1441693424743-52837d71-e341″][vc_column_text]

When you first arrive and meet our staff, you’ll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps our team get to know you better. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now. Download New Patient Forms.

New patients often ask if they can have their teeth cleaned during their first visit. Your dental treatments usually begin with a follow-up visit, often scheduled as soon as the next day. We need to see you first for a comprehensive exam and then schedule adequate time with your hygienist.

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